Business Webinar

6 Key Benefits of Hosting a Virtual Event

In the age of hand sanitiser and Government regulations, the in-person event is all but a fond memory. Taking its place, virtual events have exploded in popularity since the UK first went into lockdown, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. With offices closed and businesses struggling to cope, online conferences allow them to continue promoting their products or services, and network with international clients.

The advantages of online events range from accessibility to cutting-edge technology, which enables speakers to communicate with their audience in more ways than one. Find out more, in the article below.

Accessible & Inclusive

One of the main benefits of webinars and other virtual events is their accessibility. Now, from the comfort and safety of their own homes, audiences of all abilities can enjoy the same event as if they are sat on the front row.

In 2020, inclusion was the talk of the speaking circuit, and for good reason. With wheelchair ramps, diversity consultants and gender-neutral toilets easily accessible by event organisers, there is no excuse for conferences to exclude groups of people.

Virtual events make it easier than ever to cater to all audiences. As long as planners ensure that guests can hear, or see the content with an interpreter, all in attendance will enjoy the proceedings. Webinars take the pressure off of event organisers and guarantee inclusivity for audiences.


It is no secret that events are expensive to organise. From venue hire to security, catering to medical staff, countless factors need to be considered, which add up over time. At a time where businesses are facing recession-level financial struggles, a cost-effective conference will be music to their ears.

This is where virtual events come in. Costing significantly less than its in-person counterpart, webinars and online conferences only require the appropriate technology, a public speaker, a host or moderator and a valuable message to share. From there, with a strong internet connection, event organisers can reach international audiences.

Global Reach

One of the main benefits of virtual events during Covid’s reign is that they allow businesses to continue operating on a global level. For many professionals, international expansion is the key goal of their enterprise, as the mark of a successful business is commonly found in their ability to reach foreign markets.

Webinars allow businesses to gain a competitive advantage, as they improve a company’s reputation and expand its customer base. Such benefits lead to a key result – increased revenue potential.

In-person events can be limited logistically, as speakers and audiences must travel to attend the venue in person. This can reduce the number of guests available to take part, and therefore decrease the impact of the event. Webinars avoid such limitations.


Due to the digital format of online events, they allow for better interaction with audiences when compared to in-person events. At large venues, where individuals and their questions can get lost in the sea of seated guests, it can be difficult for speakers to forge valuable connections with audiences.

At online events, every viewer is on an equal level. There is no front row receiving all of the attention, or back row struggling to even see the stage. Webinars often feature live interaction with the audience, whether through polls or Q&As, to leave a resounding impact.

Examples of Interactive Activities:

  • Live Polls & Surveys
  • Chat Function
  • Q&As
  • Storyboarding
  • Visual Graphics
  • Live Discussions
  • Quizzes
  • Yoga & Stretching
  • Break-Out Rooms

Record the Event

Webinars can easily double up as promotional material for your business. When you have permission to screen record the event and take advantage of the insightful content supplied by the speaker, you can then share video clips on your social media, website and with prospective clients.

A key addition to your content marketing strategy, online events shine your business in an authoritative light. They communicate with clients that you are proactive, cutting-edge, and value the advancements made in your industry. Share segments of your webinar online, to leave an impression on those who could not attend.

Make sure to communicate this intention with the audience and speaker, so you do not infringe on anyone’s privacy rights.

Gather Feedback

At the end of your webinar make sure to gather feedback from attendees. This can be done while the guests are still online, or via a survey sent directly after the online occasion.

The easiest way to do this is to feature a live poll which guests can fill out, asking them to rate statements by whether they “strongly agree”, all the way to “strongly disagree”. Insightful statements may include “I learned a significant amount of information from this webinar” or “the speaker expressed satisfactory knowledge on the subject topic”.

You can then adapt future webinars to better serve your audience.

Book a Virtual Speaker

Now you have read the benefits of hosting a virtual event, why not book a speaker and turn your webinar goals into a reality?

To book a virtual speaker for your event, either contact a booking agent via phone, on 0207 1010 553 or complete our online contact form and a member of a team will get back to you shortly.

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